2017 Homecoming Queen Interview

2017 Homecoming Queen Interview

Homecoming 2017
By Emma Osborne

On October 6th, 2017, our annual homecoming game kicked off with an excited crowd and a student section full of laughs. Many students and spectators came to view the half-time activities, the announcement of the Homecoming Court. So many anticipated the announcement of the queen, as they waited for the entirety of half-time to hear the name of the girl. Not a surprise to many, though, for the fourth time in a row, a so-called “band geek” claimed the crown. Katherine Helmick, better known as Katie, went home that night with a crown on her head and a smile on her face. Katie is the fourth band kid to snatch the crown and the flowers and trust me when I say that the band itself is SUPER proud. I met up with Katie the week after homecoming to ask her a few questions about her newfound title of Homecoming Queen. Below is my interview with Katie:

Osborne: I’ve got to start off by asking you the basic question, how’s it feel to be the 2017 Homecoming Queen?
Helmick: It’s extremely humbling. I know that I’m no better than anybody else, and for anybody to think of voting for me at all is extremely humbling.
Osborne: You had quite the crowd supporting you all week, how does it feel knowing that so many kids wished for you to win?
Helmick: it’s very encouraging knowing that I have so many people there to back me up. I know that I have people here who really care and willing to help and support whenever it’s necessary.
Osborne: You’re carrying on the tradition of band kids taking the crown, you’re actually the fourth band kid to become the queen. The entire band is so proud of you, is there anything you would like to say to them?
Helmick: There are so many things I wish I could say. They keep me going every day, they’re such an encouragement. They say hi in the hallway and it brightens my day. I know that I can go to band class and be at peace, at home. I couldn’t ask for a better group of kids to create music with. It’s an honor to play alongside them.
Osborne: Is there anything you would like to say to the rest of the kids at the school who supported you?
Helmick: I appreciate every person in this school. There is nobody that is cruel or mean in any single way. Everyone is such an encouragement. I hope that they continue to be wonderful, uplifting people throughout their lives. I hope they achieve everything that they could ever possibly want.
Osborne: How surprised were you when your name came across the speaker?
Helmick: I was extremely surprised. I was shocked. I had the privilege of being on the court with some of the best young ladies I’ve ever known in my life. It was so undeserving when I was put next to such wonderful people. I was so surprised.
Osborne: What advice can you give to the rest of the kids in the school?
Helmick: Never stop trying. It’s going to get hard, but no matter what you face, just know it’s going to get better. One day, you’re going to reap your rewards. One day all the hard days are going to be worth it. Keep on keeping on. You’ll never regret it in the end.
Osborne: And finally, what advice can you give to next year’s queen?
Helmick: Just be yourself. If you are the queen, your fellow classmates have chosen you because you are who you are. Don’t try to be something you’re not. The Lord has created you to be just as you are, so take pride in what he has created you to be, and help others to see what he has created them to be.
Osborne: Thanks so much for your time, Katie, Congratulations!

Congratulations to Katie, and congratulations to the 2017 Homecoming Court!