The Legend of the Christmas Spider

The Legend of the Christmas Spider
So before I get started with this little legend I wanted to tell you a little bit about the Christmas Spider (and by little I mean it’s really small and not much). So the Christmas Spider is associated with the winter festival. The legend of this spider is meant to speak about magic and miracles that could (or can) happen. It is also supposed to be quite favored among children. There is a moral within the legend (isn’t there always?) The moral basically just tells us that hard work and good intentions pays off especially in the long run. This version of the legend I’m about to tell you is probably one of the most popular ones. See it wasn’t that much information?

A woman who had become a widow couldn’t afford to buy gifts for all of her children but like any mother she still wanted them to have the best Christmas she could give them. So one night after she had put her children to bed she went outside and cut a tree down before bringing it inside. Before she had passed out from exhaustion she cleaned her whole house from top to bottom making sure no spot was left untouched. Ironically all spiders had scurried themselves to the attic but all hoped that they would be able to see the Christmas tree after it was done. When the attic door came open all the spiders made their way to see the tree. Due to the tree being taller than them they could only see one decoration. They climbed the tree and left little webs all over it.

The one they call the Christ child saw what the little spiders had done to this tree. Even though he was glad that the spiders got to see the tree, he knew that the mother wouldn’t be happy when she saw it. Knowing that she had worked very hard on decorating the tree he touched the webs and turned them into gold and silver. So the next morning when they all woke up they saw the tree decorated with gold and silver.