What’s The Deal With Snow Day Packets?


When students have a snow day they are required to complete re-imagine time packets. They are lessons related to the subject that the students are currently learning about. These packets were created so that students can complete them when they are unable to go to school. This helps eliminate students’ disrupted learning, and it will still count as a school day, so students will not have to make it up.  Teachers make these lessons for students and then students download them to their Chromebooks. 

They’re important to do because they take a day away from the summer.  A lot of kids would rather do an easy packet than go another day in school.  Some kids argue differently that we should just have a snow day and nothing more.  

All students should do their snow packets.  They take a day off of the summer and they’re easy to do. They’re for a participation grade.  They take at least 20 minutes to do so they should complete them.