Batman at GWHS


On October 30th, 2019, a guest speaker came to GWHS to talk to the school.  Our speaker, John Buckland, told us his story, and how through several traumatic events, he turned towards substances like alcohol and drugs to cope. 

John told us how he was abused by his parents and his peers, how he was sexually assaulted by a trusted adult, and how he turned to drinking with people he thought were friends. He had several relationships that ended badly, constantly going from girl to girl, until he found his first wife. In his words she was “perfect”, and he had his first child with her. John had a falling out with his wife, and he landed in jail.

John served 7 ½ years, he became a busboy, then worked his way up to achieve his goal of becoming a fireman. He had proven to himself that he could achieve his goals, and it’s all because he had learned to forgive the people who had hurt him. 

After all of us have heard his sad story; he told us a few tips to help us forgive those who have done us wrong. His tips were to, “never be a bully, to never give up, and to always help people.” I think these are wise words to live by.