A New Start for Rupert and West


On Tuesday, September 12th, the Board of Education gathered at Rupert Elementary to discuss plans for the new school. The new Rupert school will be relocated to Western Greenbrier. The middle school and elementary student body combined will hold at least 500 students. All of the children, elementary and middle school will also share a cafeteria. The entire project will cost close to 5.3 million dollars. If everything goes smoothly, the school should be built within a year. The new Rupert school entrance will be facing North towards the softball field. Additional parking and a new bus loop will be added. An additional 14-15 thousand square feet will be added on to Western. The next meeting will be on October 10th for the Board members. In other news, Greenbrier West is hoping to build an electric sign like the one found at East. The sign will be located at the power pole past Tasty Freeze.


For more info of the Rupert School, visit http://www.greenbriercountyschools.org/.